What techniques does the extract use to engage the audience?
This extract engages the audience in many ways such as by using a fairy tale which everyone knows of. This fairy tale engages the audience as people that use GHD products are normally girls that are over the ages of 12. They would know the fairy tale as they would have heard the story when they were younger and for the main character to use the product it related to the story as it makes Rapunzel’s hair curly. Another way it engages the audience is by showing clips of the product which engages people that used the product.
The extract also uses background music which engages the audience by building tension. By building tension the audience would want to know what is at the end of the advert as it is very suspenseful and they are eager to know what has cause the suspense. This extract also engages males as there is a seductive woman in the advert which makes them want to watch as they are men that do anything to see seductive women. The woman is made out to be more attractive than the man in this extract as the man looks like a desperate man that would do anything to be with a good looking girl.
How is sexuality represented in the extract?
Sexuality is represented in text in many different ways. One way is by the woman’s hair looking very good and this encourages other women to buy the product as they can feel that this product will help their hair. Another way sexuality is represented is by having a seductive woman in the advert as it shows that this product also helps women look good and better. Also by having a man desperate to save the woman shows that men will do anything to be with a good looking girl.
The man goes through a forest on a motorbike which is known to be very dangerous therefore it shows that the man will do anything to be with her and to save her as in the story of Rapunzel whatever knight saves her gets to be wither her for the rest of their life.
In what ways is the extract typical of the advertising industry?
It is a typical extract of the advertising industry as the advert copies a fairy tale story so the audience will understand the advert. Hollywood industries do this so that the product relates to a well-known thing. Another way it is typical is by using escapism; by using this the audience get into their own fairy tale and therefore it makes them buy the product as it makes them feel this product is out of the world.
It is typical as it also appeals to men as it has seductive women in the advert so that men watch it as well and therefore gets into the advert and also buy the product as gifts. Most adverts have sexy men and women in them so that the other sex that it does not appeal to also watch it so that the product is bought. Another way it is typical is by having the brand and slogan at the end of the advert so that it shows that the product is made by a well-known brand which can make the audience aware that it is trusted.
Who does this text appeal to?
This text appeals to women and men. The way it is appealed to women is due to the fact that it is a women’s product and the extract is filmed in a way to make women think that if they buy a GHD this will lead to a fairy tale life. Another way it is appealed to women is by being a women’s product. Straighteners and curlers are used mostly by women and therefore women that use these products would want to have the latest product that is out at the moment.
It appeals to men as it has seductive women in the advert so that men watch it as well and therefore get into the advert and also buy the product as gifts. Most adverts have sexy men and women in them so that the other sex that it does not appeal to also watch it so that the product is bought.
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